Need for Speed Most Wanted is an exciting racing simulator for those who have long dreamed of being the king of the streets. The main thing in the game is the indescribable wonderful atmosphere that is present in illegal races. The gamer, while driving a cool car, attracts the attention of the police, he is driven by the desire to become a leader, he needs to conquer the area, show all the knowledge, skills, and abilities.
In the game Need for Speed Most Wanted for Android, the main character is a mysterious character without a name, his goal is to become the most wanted racer. He is one step away from the cherished goal, but at the most crucial moment he suffers a defeat, losing to his competitor Razor, loses his car. Razor’s girlfriend saves him from the hands of the police, after saving the main character, he needs to start all over again.
The player has several options for completing missions to choose from, which are familiar to those who were fond of the previous parts of the series. New modes have also been added to diversify the gameplay. One of the features is the police. When the speed increases, the chase begins. If the player chases the police for a long time, then drastic measures will be taken in the form of heavy jeeps, spikes on the road surface.
The gamer can buy cars, improve their appearance, characteristics, and if necessary, they can even be sold. Those cars, which in reality have a maximum speed of 250 km/h, in virtual reality can accelerate to 300 km/h or even more. You can also hear legendary soundtracks that match the theme of illegal racing. So the gameplay becomes more enjoyable, the hero can race around the city enjoying his favorite tracks.