Romance Club is a wonderful collection of amazing romance stories that fans of this genre will love. The game includes adventure, detective, dramatic, fantastic and mystical stories that immerse the user in a complex and multifaceted world of relationships, friendship, love, passion, experiences, intrigue and betrayal. Sometimes the background for the development of the plot is a crime, a family secret or magic, and the heroes are patronized by otherworldly forces.
The game Romance Club for Android includes many unique and captivating stories. The player can become a full-fledged participant in the story, and any of his actions will affect the fate of all the characters. Each work has several happy, sad and even tragic endings. To come to a good ending, you need to make the right decisions. The non-linearity of the plot and the variability of the denouement create additional intrigue and keep the gamer in constant suspense.
The user can create his character, who will take part in further events. The simulator includes a full editor and many personalization tools. This allows you to give the avatar any appearance and even make it look like yourself. After that, he will become the hero of the chosen story: he will communicate with other characters, go on dates, make a career, fight for the crown, or try to save people from terrible vampires and remove the fatal spell from the captives of the moon.
The developers constantly support the project and add new interesting stories and whole thematic categories there. The player will appreciate high-quality graphics with detailed drawing of locations and characters. The passage of stories is accompanied by pleasant background music. Simple operation is intuitive and does not require special study.