

  • Updated
  • Version5.0.2
  • RequirementsAndroid 4.4
  • GenreMusic
  • Google PlayOpen

Deemo is a very touching and original musical arcade game that will impress fans of this genre. In the game you will become a member of a sad story with a deep philosophical meaning. The main character’s name is Deemo. A lonely and sad ghost lives in an ancient, long abandoned castle. There is an old piano on the roof of the building, and a tall tree grows nearby. Every night there sound wonderful, bewitching melodies. This sad character plays for his only silent friend. From the beautiful, enchanting sounds, its trunk becomes higher, the roots receive additional strength, the branches straighten out and become covered with green foliage.

Suddenly everything changed. A little girl fell on the roof. She completely lost her memory and forgot everything that happened before. Deemo befriended the new heroine and taught her how to play the piano. Soon they began to extract amazingly beautiful sounds from the old instrument together. The tree listened to wonderful melodies and continued to grow. Thanks to this, the memory gradually returned to the Girl. When she remembers the past, she will leave her friends and disappear. This is the sad truth, because every melody brings the painful moment of parting closer.

Deemo game has classic passing mechanics. When the music is playing, the gamer needs to press the keys, trying to get exactly to the rhythm. The fewer mistakes he makes, the faster the Tree will grow, and the Girl will remember the forgotten past and leave her sad friend forever. Deemo will be left alone again and play sad melodies on the roof of the old castle. There is a doom and a hidden meaning in this whole story: you need to help others, even if it will harm you.

Features of the game Deemo

  • Beautiful and original graphics in a fantastic style.
  • There are only 40 songs in the free edition. When purchasing the full version, the user will have access to 110 melodies and will receive weekly updates.
  • When music is played, images appear on the display. They tell about the past of the heroine and symbolize the gradual return of memory.
  • Getting right into the rhythm, the user takes a new step, allowing him to better understand the situation and find himself.

You can download the game Deemo for Android using the active link below.

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