Kamisama: Spirits of the Shrine is an interesting and unique interactive visual novel created by Genius. Fans of the genre will love the captivating storyline inspired by the ancient Japanese epic. The project has a classic gameplay typical for similar games. The user will constantly be faced with a difficult choice, and each decision he makes will lead to a certain ending. Exciting romantic adventures, mystical characters with different characters and a pleasant pastime await him.
The main character of the game Kamisama for android is a young girl who accidentally found herself drawn into an unpleasant story. She angered the spirits inhabiting the Shinto shrine. As a punishment, she had to become a servant of an ancient shrine. But the problems did not end there. Events took place that awakened an evil demon from a 500-year dream. This is a cruel and merciless creature who wants to gain complete power over all that exists. To stop him, the girl teams up with the spirits of the temple.
As you progress through the game Kamisama, the participant will get acquainted with interesting and unusual characters. They all have different personalities and have a strong influence on the development of the plot. Kami-sama is an arrogant, irritable and demanding spirit, which is difficult to discern positive qualities. Kitsune is a cunning, deceitful and unreliable creature that does not cause much sympathy. In Japan, this essence symbolizes the spirit of the fox, but it can also be infused into people. Komainu is an honest, loyal and loyal guardian of the shrine. Akanodjaku is a demon that causes only fear and horror.
Features of the game Kamisama: Spirits of the Shrine
- Exciting and original storyline.
- Indescribable atmosphere of the Japanese epic.
- Captivating and detailed dialogues.
- Beautiful and distinctive graphics.
- Various endings.
You can download the game Kamisama: Spirits of the Shrine for android using the active link below.