Anime: The Multiverse War is a fast-paced and vibrant fighting game with arcade elements developed by Room Studios. The game takes the participant to the already familiar world of professional ninjas who solve all problems on the battlefield. Spectacular battles, incredible techniques and worthy opponents await him. In the arcade, he will meet his favorite characters from the Naruto series, as well as brave hunters, powerful magicians and epic heroes. They all have unique fighting skills and use win-win techniques.
In the game Anime: The Multiverse War for android, you first need to undergo training, which will help you get used to the mechanics, get used to the controls and learn how to perform basic types of blows. Then the gamer gets the opportunity to practice and work out the most difficult techniques. After that, real battles will be available to him. They take place in two modes. Regular matches are more suitable for beginners who are not yet fully confident in their abilities. There is no crazy dynamics, but you can get additional experience. But survival mode will require maximum concentration and total immersion in the game.
The user can choose any of the available heroes. As you progress through Anime: The Multiverse War, original skins can be unlocked for them. The project has simplified 2D graphics that make the application lightweight and work correctly on low-power devices. The controls in the game are quite complicated, you have to get used to it. On the left there are buttons that allow the character to move around the playing field and jump. On the right are buttons that allow you to inflict specific hits.
Features of the game Anime: The Multiverse War
- Famous characters.
- Selecting a game mode.
- Epic and spectacular battles.
- Complex control system.
- Colorful pixel graphics.
You can download the game Anime: The Multiverse War for android using the active link below.