Idle Bounty Adventures is an exciting role-playing game dedicated to adventures on a distant, mysterious island. This picturesque place is very dangerous, because enemies are waiting all around. The main character moves through spacious locations, explores the ruins of ancient settlements, searches for treasures, and collects artifacts. He also has to go through many intriguing quests.
In the game Idle Bounty Adventures for Android, the role of a discoverer gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with every corner of an unusual island and find out what secrets it hides. But try not to let your guard down. After all, poisonous spiders, monsters, and predatory animals are swarming everywhere. Another serious threat comes from unfriendly natives.
To confidently defeat your enemies, you will need a well-trained army. You can recruit not only ordinary people into your army, but also other creatures that look like ogres or skeletons. Each character has a unique weapon and their own fighting style.
Explore ancient buildings in search of valuable items. Complete exciting tasks and convince your opponents to come over to your side. Then you will become a successful commander and lead your army to victory.