Kid-E-Cats is a colorful children’s game where the cute characters from the popular animated series “Three Cats” invite their little friends on an exciting journey. The restless Korzhik with his older brother Kompot and flirtatious sister Karamelka will have a great time, going on a family picnic. In order for the planned event to succeed, the young gamer must help the characters get to the clearing without any obstacles, taking everything they need with them and joining in the execution of exciting tasks.
In the game Kid-E-Cats for Android, according to the plot, the whole cat family decided to go out of town to enjoy nature. The trip begins with packing. Caring mother Kisulya will put all the most delicious things in the basket to treat her children and their friends. You can take friends on the trip: Lapochka, Bantik, Bublik, Nudik and others. When all the preparations are finished, the family hits the road. They need to overcome obstacles and cannot do without the player’s help. This is where you need to prove yourself, eliminating obstacles as quickly as possible.
Arriving at the clearing, the kittens and his friends are waiting for entertainment, where you need to show your ingenuity. Mini-games are of a developing nature for attentiveness and coordination. To make a fire, cook a fragrant compote, you need to collect brushwood, fill the basket with fruits and wild berries. Games form in children elementary ideas about the world around them, teach counting to ten.
Together with the heroes, the child gets acquainted with the gifts of the forest, participates in collecting mushrooms, cones, catches fish, watches butterflies, sets up a tent. Having played enough, tired and happy, the participants comfortably settle down on the clearing for a picnic. Here, too, you need to show your gaming skills so that each hero gets his favorite treat. And if the treat was to their liking, the well-fed and happy kittens with their dad Kotya and mom Kisulya will sing a cheerful song.