The Rise of the Golden Idol is a large-scale detective quest with point-and-click control mechanics. Carefully study crime scenes and start collecting important evidence. The mysterious murder of the Cloudsy family committed 300 years ago is still shrouded in many legends. One of them tells of a golden idol that disappeared without a trace in the chaos of those tragic events. As part of a group of scientists, you will have to release a locked mystical force and find the lost artifact.
In the game The Rise of the Golden Idol for Android, travel around the cities of the world and participate in the capture of insidious criminals involved in supernatural affairs. Use all available opportunities to establish the truth and do not let parapsychology influence your hero. You will not have to rush to make a final decision. There is no time limit. Therefore, consider the findings without haste in order to put forward the correct version of what happened.
Communicate with all the people you meet on your way, but remember that each of them has hidden motives to hide information that is valuable to you. Compare the evidence you receive, look for patterns, and reveal the secrets of the most mysterious crimes to the world.