The Rising of the Shield Hero Relive The Animation is an addicting RPG based on the anime-style series of the same name. The game from the very first minutes immerses the participant in a mysterious and unusual fantasy world, where the main character finds himself. There, exciting adventures, unexpected situations, familiar characters, spectacular battles and strong opponents await him. The plot of the game The Rising of the Shield Hero Relive The Animation for android largely repeats the original story. But the unusual mechanics heats up interest and does not allow you to break away from the exciting process.
The back story tells about a guy from a small provincial town. His life was full of boredom and monotony until a strange book fell into his hands. She moved the hero to another dimension, where completely different laws operate. There, magic rules everything, and any conflicts are easily resolved with the help of a sword. First, the guy will have to explore the endless expanses of the mysterious world, interact with other characters and try to realize his abilities.
The developers of The Rising of the Shield Hero Relive The Animation used the classic turn-based combat mechanics with minor changes. During the battle, the gamer needs to choose the most suitable character ability and use it in battle. Among other skills, the most effective are “Vigilance” – the ability to see all the positions of opponents, “Grasp” – inflicting counter damage to attacking enemies, and “Defense” – a system to help allies. To win, you need to come up with a win-win tactics and constantly pump your hero.
Features of the game The Rising of the Shield Hero Relive The Animation
- Fascinating and detailed plot, touching background.
- Spectacular turn-based battles with interesting additions.
- A huge fantasy world to explore.
- Beautiful and colorful anime style locations.
You can download the game The Rising of the Shield Hero Relive The Animation for android using the active link below.