Tokyo Revengers: Last Mission is a 3D action RPG with a gripping plot based on the popular anime about Tokyo Avengers. Together with brave characters, you will immerse yourself in an incredible animated world and begin to explore the realistic streets of Shibuya. In addition to this location, players will have access to a high school in Omizo Prefecture, the ancient Musashi Temple, an underwater park, and a unique train station.
In the game Tokyo Revengers: Last Mission for Android, Budo Hanagaki is an explorer of the universe and a time traveler who can influence the course of history. In addition to him, other characters from the cult series will also take part in the development of the plot. They will retain their famous appearance and a set of unique skills that can be improved with the help of magic stones.
Combine abilities to create the most devastating attack techniques. Test their strength in duels. Use the cooperative system to find allies with suitable skills.